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Providing inclusive content to the communities we love


Rumors of war, whisper in the trees.


Redefining team-based action gameplay and expanding the horizons of what a player experience should be. Our team’s passion stems from games such as Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike, Halo, and Golden Eye. These games have helped pioneer, inspire, and propel the genre for over 20 years. COSMIC:BATTLE features unique maps, characters, skills, weapons, and game modes. We also are reintroducing a few of our favorite game modes that continue to stand the test of time. We hope you enjoy the trailer! 😉



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F U L L   O F   P O S S I B I L I T I E S

We have immense passion and love for the creative processes in each medium that we produce content. Each step and phase is precious, special, and unique. When this is combined with our love for the genres that we focus on, our stories and worlds gain life. But we never want our players, viewers, and readers to feel like they are trapped behind a window, watching events transpire. We create worlds that are waiting for you to impact and influence.

NEW frontiers of adventure

Our passion to create meaningful stories and worlds goes far beyond any medium.  Our desire is to provide meaningful moments and experiences of wonder and excitement. Allowing for players, viewers, and readers to have the freedom to choose how and where they want to interact with our creations. 

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